Sunday, July 19, 2009

Africa update #1

I landed safely!! After a little bout at the airport, I made it through customs, and the security guards, and found the McIntyre's and made it to the car, and home very safely! (It will take too long to post pictures now, so I will wait until I get home) but the McIntyre's live in a safe house that has a gated yard with a wall around it, and some guard dogs (almost required for safety in this area.)

We spent yesterday resting, and driving around the Accra area a bit. I exchanged my american money into Cedi's (the ghanian dollar) and rested the rest of the evening.

Today we went to church and on our way home, the van broke down! The starter in the battery was broken, so after a couple hours of pretty interesting adventures, we made it home :)

Some things I have learned and really, really enjoyed so far:
-the people! everyone we have met so far is very nice and wants to shake "white-knee" (as they pronounce whitney) - they say "i will shake you now" when they really mean, "i will shake your hand now" that took me a bit to get used too! haha!
-also, the ghanians are EVERYWHERE - i will post some videos and pictures as soon as i get stateside (internet is a bit too slow here), but you will see how PACKED the streets are - there is barely any room to drive- people walk right next to the car and are everywhere. it is heartbreaking, because you know that most of those people are out on the streets because they have no home, and no job.
-the ghanians are different in some ways, but also very, very similar in others. most ghanians are christians, and those that are truly christians love the Lord! They praise God before anything else - when you ask how they are doing, they say "by God's grace, I am good" and it is very humbling :)

more updates to come's almost 6:30 pm here and about dinner time :) (you do as much as you can before the sun sets in case the power goes out!)


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