Tuesday, June 30, 2009


Hi friends and family!

I made it! After 5 hours of flying, 4 hours of driving, I landed in Willsboro, NY where I will spend the next 17 days! It rained all day, but the flight in general wasn't too bad. I got to sit next to a really nice guy who let me talk his ear off and talk through all the nervousness of flying through a bad storm.

The girls were so excited to see me, and I was so excited to see them! They gave big hugs and were full of lots of smiles!! I have quite a bit of family on my stepmom's side up here - some aunts, cousins and lots and lots of cousins!

I am really praying for endurance and joy as I get to continue to live out my dream life :) Traveling, enjoying God's creation and getting to talk with people and capture the smile on their face and the beauty of this part of the country!!

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